s e v a k h a l s a . c o m
Paris at Christmas. So beautiful.
So cold. We’d dress warmly each morning, eat breakfast at the Marriot and head out to take in the sites,
view some art, eat some croissants and shop. My favorite place was
the Renoir Exhibition which we stumbled on by chance. We stopped in a cafe to get out of the cold and sip a latte. Afterwards, on our way to catch the Metro, we saw a line of people outside the Galeries Nationale du Grand Palais, waiting next to a small Renoir poster set on a stand at the front door. We got in line and listened as a street performer played violin to classical music coming from his boom box. It was chilly and the moon was coming up. Everything sparkled as evening set in. We had visited many museums and the Impressionist wings were closed
for remodeling or the museums themselves were closed for the winter. This gallery show was such
a treat. Everyone dressed in scarves and gloves filing in together in a magnificent building in Paris.
The privilege of being part of an exhibit on the life and work of
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, whose work was both moving and inspiring.
The Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais
Champs Elysees decorated for the holidays
Siri Karta Kaur in front of Hotel des Invalides
View of the city from our hotel room
Eiffel Tower and me!